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We help you achieve your future financial goals by selecting the right mutual Funds suiting your risk profile. We select the best mutual funds using our unique research methodology and allow you to track your mutual fund investments and goals.

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latest Blogs


Equity Mutual funds invest primarily in equity shares of listed companies across sectors and market capitalization segments. Equity mutual funds in India...


Some of our readers may be familiar with the 20 – 40 – 30 stages of life rule. We are students for the first 20 years of our life, work for the next 40 years...


For the last 3 years bond markets in India had a terrific run. Debt mutual fund investors, especially those who invested in long term debt funds or income funds...

Mutual Funds Research

Top Performing Mutual Funds
Scheme Name 1 Year Return(%) 3 Year Return(%) 5 Year Return(%)
10.56 22.73 -
12.54 22.33 22.08
8.9 20.46 -
18.43 19.86 -
12.52 18.9 19.79
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Top Performing Systematic Investment Plan
Scheme Name Invested Amount Current Value 5 Years Return(%)
180000 342454.09 26.78
180000 312324.57 22.84
180000 312205.56 22.83
180000 308695.07 22.35
180000 304411.34 21.75
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Top Mutual Funds in India - Lump sum returns
Scheme Name Invested Amount Current Value 5 Years Return(%)
10000 32159.9 26.29
10000 27181.45 22.11
10000 27118.15 22.06
10000 26473.52 21.47
10000 24667.45 19.77
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